Melissa Kim Mosher's Summer Lab School Blog

Main | 6 Pre-Summer School Days - Day 1 of Art 7 & 8 »


As a visual art teacher and artist, I will facilitate 7th and 8th grade students in the exploration of drawing and painting by using the media of watercolor paint, acrylic paint, glazes, and digital rendering to develop images or visual stories with the theme of tropical reef fish. Digital technology will allow the documentation of these explorations and enable the students to store and share their images and ideas in an individual and collaborative creative process. In addition to the 5 weeks of summer school, digital memory will allow the students to portfolio their experiments and give them the opportunity to use the images in new ways in the future.

In the classroom, a student is encouraged to imagine, read, write, and tell stories. The critical difference in this summer's 7th & 8th Grade Art experience is that a student will tell a story by beginning with the visual representation. In what ways can technology contribute to the understanding of the visual art making process? How can we visually communicate to others how we imagine and see stories?

Comments (3)

Jerome Burg:

Hi Melissa,
This is Jerome Burg writing. We'll be working together for a few days this summer. I am really intrigued by your intention to "blend" traditional art and technology-based art with story telling. Perhaps it is not a coincidence that I've always liked to ask my students to "see" the story we might be reading. And, frequently I'd use imagery to set up a piece of literature and ask the kids to "climb into the image" and find its story. Perhaps a well-told story always creates mental images and a well-created image always creates a mental story.

I'm really looking forward to seeing how this all plays out with the students and to our working together in just a few weeks.


Hi Jerome,
Thanks for your comments. Seeing stories is central to my interest in visual epistemology. I am looking forward to working with you and hearing about your experiences. I hope to add my thoughts and Elaine Blitman's observations to these daily procedures this weekend.

"Truth comes from observation and experience," James Watson


Don Zundel:

Hello Melissa,
My name is Don Zundel, from Apple. Looking forward to visiting with you and your class the week of July 9th and seeing your students visual stories.

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