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June 2007 Archives

June 1, 2007

Terry Lindenmuth

I am beginning my 35th year in education at Kutztown School District. I spent the first 9 years teaching junior high school mathematics, became the junior high principal for another 9 years, then I returned to the classroom. When I attended high school I did square roots with paper and pencil and now I am in a school that is riding the crest of the technology wave. Currently I am teaching high school mathematics in a one-to-one MacBook laptop school. My most important achievement is what I do tomorrow... Terry Lindenmuth
School Web:
School Blog:
Tech Ed in Math Podcast:


Monday, July 9 -
• 11:30 pm Luncheon reception for participant observers
• 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm Opening Session (open to public - if interested please rsvp to 944-5707)

Tuesday, July 10 - 8:30 am - 3:00 pm
• Observations and Discussions (Faculty dining room - at 8:30 am)

Wednesday, July 11 - Participants may select one workshop
• 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm - "Tech in HS Math Ed - Intro to applications (grades 8-12) - Lindenmuth (Kelley Computer Lab)
• 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm "Online Learning" workshop - Cherie Hayes-Gigante (Cornuelle Hall Mamiya Science Building)

Thursday, July 12 - Workshops (Participants may select 2 workshops)
• 8:30 am - 11:30 am "Google for Educators" workshop- Jerome Burg
(Cornuelle Hall Mamiya Science Building)
• 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm "iLife in the Language Arts Classroom" workshop - Jerome Burg (Cornuelle Hall Mamiya Science Building)
• (or)
• 1:00 - 4:00 PM "Teaching Math in a One-to-One Setting" - Terry Lindenmuth
Bingham 101

Friday, July 13 11:30 am - 3:00 pm
Closing luncheon, discussion, and closing remarks by guest consultants

Special note: Lunch will be provided Monday and Friday. Participants may buy lunch in our school cafeteria Tues-Thurs.

Jerome Burg

Jerome Burg, an Apple Distinguished Educator, Google Certified Teacher and recipient of the Computer Using Educator (CUE) Outstanding Teacher Award for 2004, was a high school English teacher for 34 years. He has written journal-writing software, and presented at numerous technology conferences and worshops. Most recently, Jerome participated in a roundtable discussion with Margaret Spellings, the U.S. Secretary of education. Jerome's most current educational technology interst is his website Google Lit Trips ( featuring Google Earth files that track the travels of famous characters from great literary works. His website has generated international interst among educational technologists moving into the new frontier of Web 2 mashups. Jerome will offer two half-day workshops:
Google for Educators
iLife in the Language Arts Classroom

Cherie Hayes-Gigante

Cherie Hayes-Gigante, an Apple Distinguished Educator, is a high school online and face-to-face Spanish Teacher and eLearning Specialist at Mid-Pacific Institute here in Honolulu. She also designs and teaches online classes for the Hawai`i Department of Education's online school, E-School. Interests include project-based learning using technology, online learning tools, video podcasting, and "Web 2.0" and its educational applications.

June 2, 2007



What is the Summer Technology Lab School?

The Summer Lab School offers educators the opportunity to reflect deeply about the use of technology as we seek to create learning environments that best meet the needs of our students. The Lab School (July 9-13) is a one-week experience including classroom observations, group discussions, presentations, and workshops led by special invited guests. The Summer Lab is supported by Apple Computer, Inc., which has partnered with Punahou in planning and developing this event. This event is free of charge and is a wonderful opportunity to come together as a broader community of educators to share and learn from one another.

What are the components of the lab school?

Classroom observations and discussions:
• Teacher participants (their picture icons and names appear at the top of each blog page) teach a course during the regular Punahou Summer session. The teacher participants will identify specific questions that they wish to pursue during the summer lab session. These questions provide a framework for the observers (reflectors) as they consider teacher goals and observe student work and behavior.
• Observers visit classrooms, examine student work and help the teacher reflect more deeply about the role of technology and effective teaching strategies. This summer, observers will include Punahou faculty, educators from public and private schools, as well as visiting faculty participating in the Freeman Institute.
• Observers and participant teachers will take part in seminars and discussions regarding the effect of technology on student learning.

• Participant observers and teachers will enjoy priority enrollment in their choice of workshops offered by our guest consultants.

Summer Lab School Blog:
• The nine lab school teachers are the chief contributors of the blog. Each teacher is pursuing a question relating to the use of technology in his/her classroom setting. Through the blog, you are invited to join our teachers on their journey. Via the blog, the teachers will share their thoughts, experiences, and questions, as well as post examples of student work.

We encourage all of our participant observers as well as interested readers to follow the postings and to share their comments. We can all profit from one another's insights and perspectives.

June 20, 2007

A Visit to Art

Download file

I dropped by Melissa's class today, and interviewed a young lady about her project. Please click on the link to watch the video. Can't wait to see how her story turns out!

Preparing for a Map Quiz

Download file
Today, I talked with one of the students in social studies about an online map quiz program that he used as a study aid. Click on the link to watch the video clip.

June 21, 2007

No Oil Change Required


I visited the Driver's Education class on the first day and loved the hands-on lesson that Kris had for his students. The small plastic Walmart model of a four cylinder automobile engine, was a great introduction to that basic driver knowledge of how the car works. The students were completely engaged in this lesson.

About The Lab School

The Lab School is a one-week experience including classroom observations, group discussions, presentations, and workshops led by special invited guests.

About June 2007

This page contains all entries posted to Summer Lab School 2007 in June 2007. They are listed from oldest to newest.

July 2007 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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