
Speakers Archives

June 1, 2007

Terry Lindenmuth

I am beginning my 35th year in education at Kutztown School District. I spent the first 9 years teaching junior high school mathematics, became the junior high principal for another 9 years, then I returned to the classroom. When I attended high school I did square roots with paper and pencil and now I am in a school that is riding the crest of the technology wave. Currently I am teaching high school mathematics in a one-to-one MacBook laptop school. My most important achievement is what I do tomorrow... Terry Lindenmuth
School Web:
School Blog:
Tech Ed in Math Podcast:

Jerome Burg

Jerome Burg, an Apple Distinguished Educator, Google Certified Teacher and recipient of the Computer Using Educator (CUE) Outstanding Teacher Award for 2004, was a high school English teacher for 34 years. He has written journal-writing software, and presented at numerous technology conferences and worshops. Most recently, Jerome participated in a roundtable discussion with Margaret Spellings, the U.S. Secretary of education. Jerome's most current educational technology interst is his website Google Lit Trips ( featuring Google Earth files that track the travels of famous characters from great literary works. His website has generated international interst among educational technologists moving into the new frontier of Web 2 mashups. Jerome will offer two half-day workshops:
Google for Educators
iLife in the Language Arts Classroom

Cherie Hayes-Gigante

Cherie Hayes-Gigante, an Apple Distinguished Educator, is a high school online and face-to-face Spanish Teacher and eLearning Specialist at Mid-Pacific Institute here in Honolulu. She also designs and teaches online classes for the Hawai`i Department of Education's online school, E-School. Interests include project-based learning using technology, online learning tools, video podcasting, and "Web 2.0" and its educational applications.

About The Lab School

The Lab School is a one-week experience including classroom observations, group discussions, presentations, and workshops led by special invited guests.

About Speakers

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