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What is the Summer Technology Lab School?

The Summer Lab School offers educators the opportunity to reflect deeply about the use of technology as we seek to create learning environments that best meet the needs of our students. The Lab School (July 9-13) is a one-week experience including classroom observations, group discussions, presentations, and workshops led by special invited guests. The Summer Lab is supported by Apple Computer, Inc., which has partnered with Punahou in planning and developing this event. This event is free of charge and is a wonderful opportunity to come together as a broader community of educators to share and learn from one another.

What are the components of the lab school?

Classroom observations and discussions:
• Teacher participants (their picture icons and names appear at the top of each blog page) teach a course during the regular Punahou Summer session. The teacher participants will identify specific questions that they wish to pursue during the summer lab session. These questions provide a framework for the observers (reflectors) as they consider teacher goals and observe student work and behavior.
• Observers visit classrooms, examine student work and help the teacher reflect more deeply about the role of technology and effective teaching strategies. This summer, observers will include Punahou faculty, educators from public and private schools, as well as visiting faculty participating in the Freeman Institute.
• Observers and participant teachers will take part in seminars and discussions regarding the effect of technology on student learning.

• Participant observers and teachers will enjoy priority enrollment in their choice of workshops offered by our guest consultants.

Summer Lab School Blog:
• The nine lab school teachers are the chief contributors of the blog. Each teacher is pursuing a question relating to the use of technology in his/her classroom setting. Through the blog, you are invited to join our teachers on their journey. Via the blog, the teachers will share their thoughts, experiences, and questions, as well as post examples of student work.

We encourage all of our participant observers as well as interested readers to follow the postings and to share their comments. We can all profit from one another's insights and perspectives.

About The Lab School

The Lab School is a one-week experience including classroom observations, group discussions, presentations, and workshops led by special invited guests.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 2, 2007 12:47 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Cherie Hayes-Gigante.

The next post in this blog is A Visit to Art.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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