Melissa Kim Mosher's Summer Lab School Blog

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Day 7 of Art 7 & 8: Teaching others gyotaku and using Photoshop Elements

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The students assisted 7th Grade "Art of Writing" students (Rachel Lau) in printing fish prints. Students began using the gradient tool for rainbow effects for chapel.
They wrote a synopsis of the process for a Word document to be printed and sent home Friday.

Comments (1)

jerome Burg:

What a great video! I want to run out and make a fish print myself. Could this be done with fruits and vegetables? Maybe a Bok Chow leaf or a cluster of grapes?

I have a feeling I'm going to learn more about wonderful art from you than I will be able to share about technology with you!

I'd love to see more videos that are short and as clear as this one demonstrating various techniques. Maybe a DVD of student "how-to" videos is in order!

See you soon

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 26, 2007 2:22 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Day 7 of Art 7 & 8: Photoshop Elements.

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