Melissa Kim Mosher's Summer Lab School Blog

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Day 9 of Art 7 & 8: Color digital art from b/w prints








Very exciting the diversity of problem solving methods and results from black and white fish prints. Approximately 45 minutes of computer time after scanning by each student. I have never facilitated student color abstract work so quickly and successfully.

Comments (2)

Jerome Burg:

WOW! Those are beautiful!!

I want to take an Art class from you.

Please share with your students how excited I am to come and meet them.

Do you have access to web publishing? I'd love to see a virtual gallery exhibit.

Don Zundel:

Interesting learning outcome, where the students were problem solving with black and white prints, to get color. Did they understand the process they went through and will they be able to extend this problem solving strategy in a new and different situation?

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 28, 2007 2:24 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Day 8: A Visit to Bishop Learning Center.

The next post in this blog is Day 9: Sketching with a pencil.

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