Melissa Kim Mosher's Summer Lab School Blog

« Day 11 of Art 7 & 8: "Wow, that's how he does it!" | Main

Day 11 of Art 7 & 8: To Open Doors

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Thank you, Eric Carle.

A beautiful place to visit in the middle of an apple orchard:

"Founded in part by Eric Carle, the renowned author and illustrator of more than 70 books, including the 1969 classic The Very Hungry Caterpillar, The Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art is the first full-scale museum in this country devoted to national and international picture book art, conceived and built with the aim of celebrating the art that we are first exposed to as children. Through the exploration of images that are familiar and beloved, it is the Museum's goal to foster connections between visual and verbal literacy and to provide visitors of all ages and backgrounds with the opportunity to explore their own creativity and the confidence to appreciate and enjoy art of every kind."


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 3, 2007 1:50 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Day 11 of Art 7 & 8: "Wow, that's how he does it!".

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